Thursday, May 24, 2007


Torched by the sun
Whipped by the heatwaves
Bitten by the scorpion
Yet unfettered
Contemplating in oblivion;
The vultures fly down
To feed on the cadaver
Ruminating;as they savor
Enduring without endeavour;
Blinded by the sandstorm
Choked under the dunes
Withered throat,left scathed;
Smiling a deserted smile
And tears falling on parched lips
Dead and undisturbed;no more agile,
In a disturbed state of mind
And a thousand untracked reasons behind.

Tearful Today

The last night I cried myself to sleep
I had a dream of my memories,tearful and hazy
I could sense the loss,all very intense and deep
Today my eyes still retain tears,heavy and dizzy.

There was a tiredness in the sky
And the sun hid behind the clouds
I could see the lazy birds fly
I could hear the winds sigh.

I hit the day off with a bruise
Unprepared to get assaulted any more
Everything went wrong
I was left marooned in the expectation shore
I was left frail,dazed and in gore.

The others kept enjoying
I watched them across the barbed wire
I wondered if it was worth sharing with anyone out there,
They seemed devoid of emotions,
And me burning with anguish and fire.

And so badly hurt at the days end
I stumbled across the lanes
Nothing seems perfect
As I keep gazing through the broken window panes.

Today is over
And I am heart-broken,left so frozen
I wonder if the sun comes out turning everything sobre
And drowns my despair,my fears
I can only hope,but I cant help shedding tears.

Let It Rain

Everytime it pined to rain
To relieve the heart heaved with pain
The sun came up to heal the stain
To all its disdain;
Only to lament for the much-needed rain.

Everytime clouds form
They are swept away by the storm
But today no power could deform
The clouds;heavy,dark and uniform.

The sky burst aloud with thunders
And the clouds of pain tore asunder
The blissful rain came down
To calm the fire of million blunders.

Let it rain...
Let the clouds refrain
Untill the oceans overflow
And the nature smiles in afterglow.

Walking away from the ocean

After a time so long,
In surprises oblong;
I am walking along,
The shores I used to throng,
Of the ocean I pined to belong.

The ocean of memories is calm
And the waves fragile;
As I turn back with a smile,
I realise living there was so much futile.

The waves used to crash
At the shores to take me away;
And I surrendered to the gash,
Until I was hit with a splash
To drift me away,keeping wounds at bay.

I walk and the waves recede under,
As I watch them with pride and splendour;
I know I won't leave sandmarks either,
Because the ocean will drown all the dither.

Changing self

Void and pain
Making me insane;
When cries resound,
In memories abound,
No one hears,
The silent tears.

No one there , no one to care,
Because healing cant cure,
And it is to endure;
Everyone tried for sure
To comfort me and make me mature
But it was I who was demure.

Perhaps they still care,
But I am worthless to share;
They dont understand me though,
And put me aside so.
Perhaps they are no more the same,
Though I thought they would remain
I didnt care at first,
And thus came the pain,
I know I can no longer refrain.

And now they must be wondering
Why am I acting as I used to do before?
Why do I keep coming back for more?
Because I want to put an end to the furore.

So I decided to move on,
Forgot if I was ever forlorn;
Drifted from what is now past
I have changed at last.


And I promised to be wise
Much before the sunrise
To achieve something
Before my sad demise
Only to be unfolded in disguise
That i was once again unwise.

A thousand times did i think
A thousand times did i resolute
To shed off the dusts of laziness
To start off with hundred jobs
Only to lie everyone in the blogs!

An inexorable reluctancy
That slams on the brakes
Every time i rage with despondency
I hope to be a pro
To glide past this inconsistency.

By the time the midnight blues spawn
I have already rebelled.
By the time the stars yawn
I have already revelled.

So here glows once again
The "promising" eastward window
Though the warmth devoid of sensitivity
And the brightness too morose to shadow
The birds vanishing in the distant sky
And turn yellow the grasses
The spider cobwebbing infinity
And i sit and brood
What do they signify
Never watching the second that passes.

Is it all so meaningless
Or just the procrastinating me
Losing out on the innuendo??
So do the clouds fade
Desperate to hide the shameless facade.


The feel-good thermometer
Was lying under the sky
Rusted by the rain
Battered by the cold
Ransacked by the storm
Had age-old mosses to hold;
Until one fine day
The fahrenheit swelled.

All of a sudden there is a celebration
A heavenly mirth back on the earth
Energy,pleasure and invigorated souls
Rejuvenated by the heat
Showered by the sunshine-bliss
Enough reasons to light up the forgotten smiles
Enough reasons to iron out the woebegone crease.

The urchin is back
To take the world on stride
Bereft of worries,tears and despair
Under the burning sky;to justify
That its time to heal,to feel good,to repair
Our lackluster souls
To rage under the newly charged sun
To exasperate in the fahrenheit;
Extradite;recalibrate the undone!


The street lights slept
The far away trees faded in darkness
The lull above the horizon
And i was left
Behind the panes,bereft;
Bereft of my sense
Bereft of my soul
As i saw the apparition
Satan;ghoulish like a demon
And then i could hear a thousand cries
Resounding and fading into silence
And a thousand faces behind the panes
Frantic to escape their penance.

The night was dead
For souls to contemplate
In the graveyard of spirits
Amidst the spooky jumble
To tread deep into the jaded jungle.