Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Yet Another Day

Yet another day,
It was today;

The unwilling sun
Awoke from its ephemeral slumber;
Shone with tired sunshine,
Lamented,it could no longer
Hide behind the night's ravine.

Awoke the sleepy earth in her cozy nest,
Reluctant and mundane;
To lose in chaotic chirruping
To hate routine's behest.

Across the dizzy greens
The wind blew;
Above the placid sky
The birds flew.

Underneath the rivers flowed,
In its endless flow;
As eternally,
As the fires glow.

Sun came down,
Painting frustrations umpteen;
Climbed the squeamish stars
Hating the deathless routine.

Slept the tired earth,
A decade's sleep;
Soon to get lost in fray;
Is just another day.