As the night creeps in,
Sleep escapes the eyes;
Come crawling the void,
As the wretched insomniac cries.
Eyes wide open,
And blood rolling down;
Twist and turn,
As insomniac eyes burn;
Potraits start whispering,
And frustrations lingering,
Around the insomniac
Insanity and delerium,
Rest in his ghostly bivouac.
As stars rise,
Every dream dreamt
Brings nightmare in disguise;
Every breath taken -
Brings him closer to demise;
With sleeplessness in the eyes
The wretched insomniac cries.
Obsessed with guilt
Of heartless filth;
I put,
Worthless efforts to let
The world know,
Why i do not smile
Why i do not glow;
So many words to say,
Yet they get lost in fray;
And when emotional ink
Makes my heart sink,
I go numb,i go dumb;
So ashamed i am,
I get absorbed,i get blotted.
And as i sit down,
With a blank page,
Laid before me to frown
I am ashamed to face
The void in front of me,
Let go the words;
I am ashamed to see
The untold guilt on paper
As they fidget to flee.
Beautiful Nature
Lying under the azure sky,
Under the chaotic vastness
Of seemingly an ocean,
I see the Clouds fly;
They emerge,they disperse
Like hiding the peak of a mountain.
Lying under the dark clouds,
And the storm raging,
Winds driving past the greens;
Across the horizon's margin
Comes the smell of the rain-lashed earth.
Lying under the star-lit sky
With the moon by my side,
Tranquil,serene and silent;
The distant lights i vide
Seem like angels lighting up
The earth in its dream.
Lost Childhood
I kept walking
Hearing the lullaby,
And the enchained ghosts whisper
Deep into the graveyard
Of childhoods cadaver.
Innocence entomed,
Playfulness buried,
Smiles choked;
Lay coffins of hurried,
Deceased childhood.
Beneath the shattered earth
Cry the voices
Six feet under;
Frantic to escape
Tortured in plunder.
Friends turned strangers
And myself a cursed ghost;
I witness,as i sit
All alone in the crypt;
And the castles of childhood
Stand crippled.
In the opaque darkness
I see the lanterns
Of the nocturnal;
They come calling me
Every night;
Though i dont see
I shiver in fright;
From deep within the darkness
And in the hanging silence
I hear voices screaming bane
Horror and macabre,
I no longer remain sane;
Roll down frozen tears
In elephantine fears.
The bats and the owls cry
As i smell corpses;
And keep calling the souls
A nocturnal.
Slumber;deep slumber
I slipped into;
Seeing that dove fly
High above the ageless sky;
I knew,
I had seen that dove
On the eternal clouds above;
And as the sun shone bright
On my fungus-ridden memories in delight;
I knew,
I had been there
Which are now memories bare.
I knew;
Sometime long ago,
I had heard the same wind whisper
I had relaxed under the sky sombre
And watched the clouds so amber;
When i knew,
I was about to wake up from slumber.
Amidst the desert
Of heartless fields,
Braved a rose plant
Unattended,withered and arid
Neglected like an infant;
Pined for love;pined for a smile
All that she reaps
On her parched lips.
I shredded the rose,
With a thorn;
I trampled the love
That has thrived for so long
Only in hopes to be born;
I would never let it bloom
I had sworn;
I dont understand
How it feels like being the world for someone
I dont understand
How it feels like loving someone
I dont understand
How it feels like feeling for someone
I dont understand
How it feels like hurting someone
I dont understand
I dont understand
How it feels like being loved by that someone!
Until my tears fall
On its grave.
Lived and applauded with laurels
Like fresh trendy apparels
Basked in glory,seemingly a story,
Of happy nights and days
Dawning at the zealous bays.
Life is slow,lost its flow;
No wind to blow;no reason to glow
Smoke to billow;to swallow
The extinguished verve;
To strain the nerve.
Gone are those days;
All in faded memories
Like flickering strays
Though not to get lost in fray;
But to recollect;
Retrospect and introspect
To achieve like yesterday!
Its introspection
In transmigration
To avoid the void;
In hope to be bouyed
In a life;destination devoid.
And as I totter the love-desert,
Spilled sands of love burn bright,
The sun of desire has smoldered me in fright,
I can only vide the tired horizon in my sight.
Where are the clouds of solace?
Where are the oasis of comfort?
Where are the shadows to embrace
For a soul,so lost,so reckless?
And I am a babe in the wood,
I should have learnt by now,
That there is no compass to track the past,
And fake guides of mirage would only make me brood!
I am a burnt out stone,
Braving the heat of the desert,
I have had enough to leave me in fibre and bone,
Now I dont know if I really care,
What once I pined for,now I want to revert.